So, we've gotten a lot of news recently about Star Wars Rebels coming this fall to Disney XD. So far we know that it's going to be taking place mainly on one planet and cover the rebellion rising on that planet against the Empire. We now also even know the names of a few of the new characters and somewhat of a description of them. . .

The first character we were introduced to was the Sith Inquisitor. So far, what we know is that he is basically the Ventress to the Dooku. It sounds like he is a small part of the Empire itself, but a large part of the setting of the show. . .
The next character we met is Kanan, who seems to be a
kind of "cowboy" Jedi. He will be one of the new
good guy main characters. From this picture, it looks like he will
definitely be acquainted with the Sith Inquisitor.
Our next character is Chopper: a rather stubborn little droid made of scrap parts the rebels were able to scrounge up. Though he may not always do things when and how his superiors would like it done, but it sounds like he will be a lovable hero nonetheless.

And now we come to the most recent addition to our cast, Ezra. He's rather well cut out for the rebels: young, ambitious, and ready to fight. He takes any and everything he can get from the Empire, hoping to make some kind of difference.
You can always
From what I've heard so far,
I have a feeling Ezra will be my favorite character
from the new series. But I would love to
hear all your opinions!
From the information we have so far,
who do you think will be your favorite character come this fall?
Until next time, MTFBWY!