Sunday, December 23, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Didn't want to accidentally forget this or anything over the next few days with the business of Christmas, so.... Merry Christmas(or whatever holiday it may be that you celebrate) to everyone! I hope you have a happy and "cheerful" holiday!(; And May the Force be With You!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Catching Up. . .

Well, I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while guys! But a lot of you have still been faithful, I can see by the amount of views still coming in despite my absence! I'm sorry I haven't been doing the reviews on the Clone Wars episodes! I truthfully have been not watching them as they come out a lot of the time. Just have things to do, and with the movement to Saturday morning, I often don't get to watch them until the afternoon, and then I don't really feel like writing reviews... But, I'm going to sum up my reviews on the past episodes I've missed right here and now...

Onderon ARC:

The Onderon ARC had a rocky start. I personally felt like I was watching a teenage girl's show the majority of the time through the first episode... However, it did pick up and with each episode got better. The end was sad, but very well done. Overall, it was a great ARC!

Youngling ARC:

I loved this ARC all the way through! The third was not my favorite, but the others were very awesome! And I have to mention that Gungi and Katooni are my favorite two! Anyway, really great ARC and I loved it A LOT! :)

I'll do another short review of the on-going ARC when it's completed and then try to get back on track! :) Until then, MTFBWY!